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Plant grapes on southern slopes, the south side of windbreaks, or the south sides of buildings since they require full sun and high temperatures to ripen. Steer clear of low land and northern slopes as they will be cooler during the growing season and cause the fruit to ripen more slowly. To prevent standing water in the spring and promote early growth, select deep, well-drained soils. As soon as the soil is workable, plant in the spring. Make use of robust plants with established root systems. Plants should be spaced six to eight feet apart. Remove all canes save the strongest one before planting the vine. Cut out any roots that are too long or damaged. Make sure the hole you dig is big enough to allow the roots to stretch out without bending. As in the nursery, plant vines at the same depth. Avoid planting too deeply. After spreading the roots, completely cover them with earth. Cut the remaining cane to two sturdy buds after planting. Every blossom will mature into a cane.
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